Wednesday, June 24, 2009
What's a mother to do
I suppose I'm going to put down some projects and knit my baby what she requests.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Sometimes ya gotta get away
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Monkeying around
In other news, the mister and I have 4 weeks to the day before our big hike to the summit of Mt. Saint Helen's. It truly is time to quit monkeying around and get serious. The hike consists of a 4500ft elevation gain over 4.5 miles (3400 of it during the last 2 1/4 miles). We have been diligently Shredding and getting extra cardio in on the treadmill but I know it's not enough. I really must watch what I put in my mouth. I'm feeling horribly munchy lately. It wouldn't be so back if I kept going outside and munching on fresh sugar peas or strawberries but marshmallows will do me nothing more than leave me looking like one.
It's time to hunker down with a movie and the socks I'm working on for The Mister. They were meant to be a surprise for him but I currently have a 3 year old that absolutely can not keep a secret. Every single thing that happens in this house gets recounted to Dad at the end of the day. How long before she grows out of this?
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Where oh where have I gone?
450 yards of knots. I must get a yarn umbrella. You'd think I had one by now. What with spinning and knitting but nope. I don't want to spend the $$. The Mister had a good laugh over this one. He says it's the most expensive yarn I've ever bought and after the HOURS (we are talking days people) spent untangling this mess he is right. Oh well. It's all untangled with not an inch lost. Now it's time to get some sewing and knitting done. We're headed out camping this weekend so sewing won't happen but camping is prime for knitting.
In other news we are expecting a slew of strawberries this year.
What started as 20 plants last year has turned into an amount that I'm not going to count. The bed on the east side of our house is completely packed with them. God truly has blessed us with the multiplication of these plants.!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Quiet Weekend
I would love to say that the roses are from the garden but alas, I have no garden. The people who lived here before us didn't have much of a green thumb which has left the last year being spent trying to fix up what they had done. They did however plant 2 climbing rose bushes in a forgotten corner of the back yard and today, the little Miss and I are thankful for these rosebushes. They smell heavenly. I don't know why but the smell of fresh roses always reminds me of raspberries. Maybe it's because my Grandmother had her roses planted fairly closely to the raspberry "patch".
The weather has cooled down quite a bit. It has been overcast with heavy rain occasionally. I, for one, welcome the cool weather. This weekend my Mister is attending a funeral which is about 3 hrs from us. This leaves the kids and I home to fend for ourselves. I've attempted (really it has only been an attempt) to entertain ideas of taking the kids hiking or going to the beach or... I can't seem to do it. We've been gone every weekend for several weekends and this weekend I just want to stay home and relax. If you could see my house now you'd know that's about all I've done this week. The house is very tidy but very dusty. I need to give the walls and molding a good wash down. Really it's the deep cleaning that I haven't kept up on. Oh well. I have a lot of knitting to show for it. I plan on spending the weekend continuing in the sewing/knitting groove because next week it must come to an end. I have a little one who asked me yesterday if it was school time. We were doing well at school until a 'J' got sick and then it's been down hill from there. How can I deny a little girls request for school? When I told her we'd start back up next week I was greeted with shouts of joy and a big hug. Note to self: get you're head wrapped around this book.
Have a wonderful weekend. I'll be back Monday and will hopefully have some pictures of FO's to show.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Dear Mister,
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Oh yeah, the count down has begun. In August I will be loading the kids up and taking a cross country trip back home. I love driving cross country. Prefer it to flying. My husband on the other hand dislikes the time spent in the car. Too much time wasted...he enjoys the sights but also enjoys the extra time spent somewhere. The kids and I have a week scheduled in a rustic cabin. I do believe there will be evenings spent in the screened porch sipping sweet tea, and watching the lightening bugs (I hope there will still be some around...August is a bit too warm for a good show) while knitting and/or spinning.