Thursday, August 26, 2010

Growing through change

First off, I am SO glad that I can import my old blog over here. The wonders of technology. :-) Over the years I have changed blog names and addresses several times. Occasionally I'd end up deleting blogs all together only later to regret it. I still miss my first blog Mamma's Quiet Time but life goes on. When I started The Porcelain Desk I disliked the name but the nothing else came to me. Whispering Oak Acres is the name the Mister and I gave to our dream over the last couple of years. Currently the name resides only in our hearts, on a red folder full of ideas and now here.
Whispering Oak Acres is located somewhere in the foothills of the Great Smokies. A land that beckons us back to her. A place where autumn is a canvas of color, a lush blanket of bright colors turning to a rich green in the spring and a summer filled with the scent of wild honeysuckle, plentiful gardens and lightening bugs dancing to the concert of katydids and crickets at dusk. It's a place where our children can run and explore, we'll grow most of the foods we eat whether it be plant or animal and a place to learn. A place to love.
Right now Whispering Oak Acres is only a dream. A place, a vision, we're working towards. At times it feels as though we're not moving any closer. Never backwards, just never closer. At other times it feels as though we much be progressing.
I've become passionate about blooming where we are planted; doing what I can do to make changes in our lives to help us reach goals and dreams. Truth be told, Whispering Oak Acres is changing from a dream to a goal. Sometimes I fall while trying to work towards the goal and other times I succeed. The times I fail I am reminded that I still have a lot of personal change that is needed but I cling to the awareness that through the change, there will be growth.

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