Little Miss and I headed south Friday evening as soon as the Mister was home from work. Just me and my girl. The excitement of an evening with her (and her excitement of a hotel stay) and a morning shearing sheep filled us with glee. Farm Girl was very clear that she wanted to play Sorry on the hotel bed when we got in. Saturday morning she and I headed to the farm to watch the shearing. Being me, I left the camera in the truck. While the shearer was hired, I was all too happy to help keep track of tag numbers and climb fences to grab sheep and keep them where they were supposed to be. I proudly walked into Safeway with sheep crud, lanolin, and dirt on my pants. Being at the farm was inspiring and convicting. Watching Farm Girl do what she could on the sheep farm and witnessing her immediate help with chores was more than I had thought would happen and yet at the same time is exactly what I had hoped would happen. When we had begun or journey towards home, I asked her if a farm was still what she wanted. Her answer was a resounding "yes" and she specifically wants a sheep farm. She could do it. If ever there was a soul to join me on my quest for sheep, she's it.
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